

Our Mission: To promote lifelong relationships between current and future alumni of Rhode Island College and strengthen communication and engagement between alumni and the college. We also strive to create and nurture opportunities for personal and financial investment in RIC's future.


  • periodically review the association's mission and purpose
  • 确保有效的组织规划
  • ensure adequate resources available to our alumni community
  • determine and monitor the association's programs and services
  • 支持校友团体和项目
  • 评估董事会的表现 


Do you know of an individual that you believe would make a wonderful addition to our board?



The work that our committees pursue means that their members are truly A.N.C.H.O.R.S. 我们的机构. These individuals: Advocate, Network, Contribute, Help, Organize, Recruit, and Serve.

请电邮至 校友关系处 if you are interested in learning more or joining one of the 校友协会iation's working committees.

The committee reviews nominations for alumni and honor roll awards and recommends a slate of honorees each year to the full board for approval. Committee members are also responsible for event procedures and processes, and are involved in many aspects of the planning and implementation of the awards dinner.

联合主席:肖恩·安德鲁斯10分 & 科琳·卡拉汉,72年,76年

The committee ensures that varied and effective programs and signature esball官方网 are developed and implemented to strengthen the Rhode Island College alumni affiliation and meet the needs of Rhode Island College. 这种方案编制包括:

  • 同学会 & 周末聚会
  • 为期一年的参与活动

联合主席:格鲁吉亚福尔图纳托'81,'85 & 帕梅拉·瑞恩92年

Working closely with 校友协会iation staff and members of partner offices and colleagues on campus, members of this committee assist with program development, 筹款活动, and selection of student recipients as well as ensure that all scholarship and RICochet Emergency Assistance monies are awarded.

联合主席:Sarah Courtemanche O' brien '09 & 黛布拉Servello, 85年

The committee works to ensure that all Rhode Island College graduates receive consistent and effective communications. Committee duties include assisting with the creation and content for the alumni magazine and assisting with the 校友协会iation social media and overall communication strategy.

联合主席:桑德拉以挪士, 71岁 & 塔玛·拉塞尔·布朗02届

The 执行委员会 shall consist of the Officers, 直接的前任主席, 以及校友发展主任 & 订婚,没有投票权的. 董事会闭会期间, the 执行委员会 shall have and may exercise the authority to act on behalf of the Board of Directors, as provided under the Rhode Island Non-Profit Corporation Act, 并应在下次会议上报告所采取的任何行动.

主席:Georgia Fortunato '81, '85

The 财政委员会 shall consist of the Treasurer as Chair and a minimum of three (3) Directors and/or members of the alumni body. The Committee will prepare an annual budget for Board approval and shall also review and act upon recommendations of the professional staff of the College and of any outside investment advisors in reference to the investment of funds. The Chair or a designated committee member shall report to the next succeeding meeting of the Board of Directors on any and all actions taken.

主席:凯文·圣 '12, M.P.Ac. 2013年,副主席:Ratha森

The Rhode Island College 校友协会iation feels that it is important to keep the bond between the College and our graduates of the last decade strong and mutually rewarding. Members of this committee assist with alumni programming, esball官方网, and outreach to graduates of the last ten years as well as building relationships with current students and an early connection to the Association.

联合主席:Madeline LeBlanc-Borsari '20 & 米娅帕隆博, 18和22岁

The committee has a special interest in and stewardship responsibility for the institution’s vast and rich history and heritage. The committee on College History and 遗产 will work to establish plans and specific projects to research and create public information on the history and heritage of the Rhode Island Normal School, the Rhode Island College of Education and Rhode Island College.



通过年度捐赠, 有计划的捐赠或聚会捐赠, there are endless opportunities to give back to Rhode Island College to support current students, 学院的进步, 以及校友活动.





校友会自豪地为我们的75人服务,000+ graduates of Rhode Island College by providing resources, esball官方网 and benefits exclusively to our alumni community.